

I cannot stop thinking and praying about/for Africa. I suppose this is for several reasons.  

1: I've always been interested and curious about African culture.  I don't know if it has anything to do with my own heritage, but it's always been a place that I've wanted to learn more about.  As a kid, I was fascinated by it's wildlife.  As a teen, I became even more interested in the wildlife, particularly gorillas of the Congo and researched them quite extensively.  And in college I was fortunate enough to hear Jane Goodall speak.  (which was fantastic...I took notes. :))  I have also been extremely interested in their unique culture and their passion for life.  This passion seems to manifest in their music and dancing, the clothes they wear and is reflected in the beautiful smiles that fill their faces.  All of it fascinates me.

2: The children. Every 15 seconds, a child is orphaned because of HIV/AIDS.  There are over 50 million orphaned children in Africa. That speaks to my heart. Our church hosted a Ugandan children's choir this week and we were fortunate enough to house a few boys for a night.  Their stories left me speechless and filled my eyes with tears.  These children have all been orphaned but have come to the Watoto Children's Villages for a new family and a new life in Jesus Christ.  They know that there is no hope, no joy, no life outside of Him...and this is the message of their concert and the message they carry throughout the world.  It amazes me.  These kids come from very little but have this unfailing love that surrounds them, all because of our Father in heaven.  The concert was amazing; their spirit was infectious and their songs left me wanting to hear more and wanting to DO more.  I know that God has put it in my heart to open my family to an orphaned child, and someday we will.  Until then, we can sponsor one of the Watoto children and give them what they could not otherwise receive.  It was wonderful to share our house with other members of the body of Christ and encouraging to hear their testimonies.
You can be a blessing to these children by visiting:

3: Our church has adopted an un-reached (have never heard the Bible or Jesus) people group in Niger, Africa.  It is our goal as a church to send members over for short-term missions to help these people hear the message of the Gospel and come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.  I have gone out on a limb and expressed my interest in going on one of these mission trips.  I know the Lord is speaking to my heart and He wants me to listen.  I'm putting in an application to be considered.  I'm praying for guidance and am asking that you pray along with me.  :)

Blessings on you and yours!

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